Saturday, December 25, 2010

A Wonderful Christmas Day...

It's been a great day!  This is the first Christmas where I haven't felt at least a tinge of homesickness.  Normally on holidays, at least for a moment, I feel like the day would be better if we were home in Cali with family.  And don't get me wrong, that would be great but since we aren't there, it's nice to not have that moment of sadness that puts a damper on my day. 

Blakeley is almost a year and a half and while she still doesn't quite understand Christmas, it was really fun to have her open presents (which she could basically do by herself) and see the happiness on her face when she played with the toys.  She really liked the blow up Disney castle that had balls in it and her Winnie the Pooh little sit and roll car.  She recently started saying "ball" all the time and really likes to play with balls.  Sometimes she even kicks one around the house so maybe we have a future soccer player in our midst?

I know that next year will be even better because she will understand a lot more & we'll start implementing more traditions such as leaving out cookies and milk for Santa and carrots for the reindeer.  I also want to start buying Christmas pajamas every year and having the kids open them on Christmas eve.  So I know it will only get better from here which is exciting.

I'm grateful that today has been so nice though...we opened presents and played with Blakeley for awhile, ate breakfast, relaxed and watched the Disney parade on TV, took naps, and then went to The Rodriguez's house for dinner.  They are in our ward and were nice enough to invite us over. 

Last night was fun too...we went to Austin & had dinner with Ty & Crystal & then drove around to look at Christmas lights.  It was nice to see Cade again who is almost two weeks old now and just hang out with them.  San Antonio and Austin definitely don't have Christmas lights like the Sacramento area though...we miss Dove Court and the Stanford Ranch neighborhood that puts up amazing lights every year.

But it's been a great day!  Merry Christmas everyone! xoxo

P.S. I can't believe I'm starting my 6th month of's going fast! 

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you guys had a good time! Your hair is getting so long!! Miss you guys!
