Sunday, January 8, 2012

You are Perfect Just the Way You Are

So I've been meaning to write this down for awhile.

I went walking/jogging awhile back (Nov 28th) and all of a sudden out of nowhere a little voice in my mind (the Spirit) said, "You're perfect just the way you are."  I totally shed a few tears while I pushed my girls in the double stroller as I contemplated the profound message.  And I just kept repeating that to myself like a mantra.  It kind of came out of nowhere but I needed to hear it.

I think as females, we all have body image issues and it was just really comforting to receive that message at that particular moment.  Another heavenly message!

So I just wanted to share that with YOU. 

It's true and I've been thinking about that off and on for a month or two.  That we are perfect, not only physically, but we are perfect where we are at this point in time in our life.  We are where we are supposed to be and doing what we are supposed to be doing.  Ponder that.

May we learn to really believe this:

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