Monday, January 2, 2012

Cheers to New Years Eve on the Couch!

I’m reading Moses 1 and the thought just came to me…(personal revelation…the Lord comforting me and reminding me of what I already know deep down.)

I need to accept the challenges and obstacles that I’ve been given and that I am enduring now. I need to accept my future challenges. Just accept them in advance…that way when they do come, I will not be so shelter shocked or in disbelief but I will immediately know that there is a purpose for what I’m learning and a specific reason that I’m enduring whatever it is. The fact of the matter is that Heavenly Father has already mapped out my life- there is already a plan in place for me. So instead of throwing a tantrum by theoretically laying on the ground like a two year old and pounding my fists and feet on the ground and screaming at the top of my lungs, I need to just ACCEPT these things. It’s for my own good. I cannot see the future but it will be GRAND!

Has He ever let me down? NO!

I feel like I constantly go through the pride cycle…things will get tough which causes me to read my scriptures religiously and with MEANING and enthusiasm and zest and then things get good and then even better and I lose steam and slowly focus more on worldly things (without really meaning to) and then I go through the same cycle over and over and over.

When am I going to learn?!

I have such great experiences of personal revelation and spiritual promptings when I’m in the right frame of mind and my thoughts and efforts are focused more on spiritual matters. It’s just human nature, I guess and just goes to show that unless we are DILIGENT and really make effort to do the things we know we are supposed to do, then we are just going through the motions and even though we’re doing those things, we’re not really progressing to our FULL POTENTIAL. We are missing out on special spiritual promptings and blessings because we are too distracted by the worldly chaos of life that is so aggressively impeding our days. Our ears are too busy searching for a song on the radio and our eyes are bright with glee from the worldly whims of happiness that come from material things and then quickly leave us feeling so empty.

I’ve been feeling quite discouraged these last few days, to be honest. Partly because I’ve been feeling kind of sick and my house is a disaster and then recently, for a different reason. The adversary knows how to manipulate our thoughts and turn things around if we let him so we go from being happy with our life as stay at home Mommy to having feelings that we’re missing out on the fun and excitement of life because of our special role and because we have little ones. IF WE LET HIM is the key to that statement. It mostly came about because of New Years Eve, believe it or not. We went to a Church Stake New Years party that was for families and we were done by like 8pm. Then it was like…what do we do now? It’s still so early…bleh! And of course there’s not much you can really do with a baby and a two year old and actually enjoy it late at night, so we went home, put the kids to bed, and then sat on the couch watching the New Years festivities on TV where the world was partying, carrying on, and having all the excitement.

Well to the adversary, I say…Poo on you!

There is freedom in sitting on the couch with my babies asleep in the next room. There is protection in that. We won’t be getting hit by a car on our way home later that night by a drunk driver…we won’t be surrounded in an atmosphere that will only carry us further from the spirit where the adversary can slyly sink his grip in us with the false luster and the superficial glitz and glamour that he wants us to believe we’re missing out on. I am in no way passing judgement on people who go out…I just know that for me and my past experience, it was a lonely, superficial world that ultimately did not bring me ANY true or lasting happiness. Frankly, it only encouraged me to make even more poor choices. Again, that’s just me and my experience.

If I would have been asked, “OK Kendra, in order for you to have children, you are going to be required to sacrifice a few things…errrr, OK, maybe A LOT of things. You won’t be able to go to the movies whenever you want, you won’t be able to pick up your parents from the airport when they come to visit because there won’t be enough room in the car, you will get stretch marks, there won't always be money to get your nails done, and you won’t necessarily be able to go hit the town for New Years Eve at the drop of a hat…

Now, after hearing all of this which is just a fraction of what motherhood will require, are you still willing to be a mother?”

Ummm, DUH!

The fact of the matter is that the benefits far outweigh the superficial worldly ideals that are placed on motherhood and rearing children. My life is so much more meaningful with these adorable faces in it!

Bottom line…I’m grateful for these heavenly reminders of what’s truly important when my mind and thoughts become so uninvitingly clouded sometimes. It allows me to get my mind straight and again, recommit myself to be diligent so that I can have the kind of life that I truly want. That I can have lasting happiness where my family is my foremost priority without worldly distractions. That I can discern the adversary’s lies and cast his unwelcomed deceit from my mind and life.

I’m grateful for the source of protection that I have from the gospel. Let’s face it, folks…we ARE a bit different but I’m ever so thankful for the foundation of hope and faith the gospel gives me that no matter what trial I face, I know who is there for me and who will help me through it.  And that we are protected when we live the teachings of the gospel.

Cheers to motherhood. Cheers to New Years Eve chillin at home. Cheers to doing what I know is right and what makes me happy no matter what the world thinks.


This is what matters right here!


  1. you have been providing some awesome reading my friend, most of which is exactly what I need in my life right now. Thank you and I will be back to go through it all again, especially the post with the new years resolutions.... love ya!
