Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Progress and Yay...Visitors!

Skylar got to eat today...just small amounts of Pedialyte but that's a start.  Tomorrow they will start breast milk & increase the amount of each feeding.

Going for a walk around the hospital

Smiling like usual!  Oh, how I've missed that face!

We also had a lot of great visitors...

Grandma Pat (my Mom) came on Sunday

and we had a bunch of visitors today. 

Grandma Kathy (Ty's Mom) came

Aunt Audrey came with Jonah & Sam & Makayla came.

And a fabulous impromptu visit from my cousin, Shelly and her sweet family.  Shelly & her husband, Cole & their five kids drove all the way from Pocatello, ID just to hang out with us for a few hours! 

It was sooo great to see them!  It had probably been about five years since I saw Shelly last.  So that was pretty awesome.  I had tentatively been planning on driving to Idaho to visit my Aunt Bette and cousins (Shelly & Tim) but that was before Skylar was in the hospital so that plan was pretty much thrown out the window since I don't really want to prolong the trip now.  Blakeley had fun with Shelly's kids.

hee hee hee

They had a good time.  We went on a walk & took the kids to the playroom in the hospital where they have tons of toys and different activities.  They made play dough & played with all the toys.

Our sweet friends from Florida also stopped by for a quick visit...Rebecca Armstrong & her son, Brandon Armstrong

It's nice to have visitors!

P.S. Really random but Utah has HUGE mosquitos!  We keep finding them flying around in our car & our bedroom & they are nasty!

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