Saturday, April 14, 2012

Skylar's Birthday Celebration

On Thursday for Skylar's birthday, we took the girls to a kiddie amusement park in San Antonio.  It's awesome because the kids just have to be one and there are no weight or height restrictions.  I didn't know if Skylar would like the rides or if she would be scared but she did great!  Here are some of my favorite pictures.  It was such a fun day...I was sad when it came to an end.
Man, my baby is cute!

She always makes this funny face & if you breathe a certain way out of your nose, you can get her to do it on cue.  Funny girl.
My other baby
They move around so much...this is the best pic I got of them together all day
Blakeley's face is amazing in this one
Love her pose...just chillin
We let one balloon go in honor of Skylar turning one 
She liked the homemade carrot cake that I made

I can't believe my baby is one.'s bittersweet.  I love her.

1 comment:

  1. She is so beautiful, BOTH of of your girls are! Happy birthday sweet angel!
