Tuesday, January 18, 2011

18 Months on the 18th!

Today Blakeley is 18 months old.  I can't believe it's gone so fast.  The milestone here is that she can start going to nursery at church which is amazing because I am so ready for that break!  I am out in the halls with her a lot and I would love to get something out of church again.  But it's bittersweet too.  I feel like I blink and 6 months go by.

We actually started transitioning Blakeley in nursery a couple weeks ago.  I stayed in there with her and she did great!  She didn't even care that I was there so that tells me that she will be just fine.  She loves the toys, games, and activities that they do.  Last week she came home with a picture she colored that someone had written her name, "Blackeley" on.  Really...?  Blackeley?  So we were joking about that and calling her Black-ley a few times later that day.  I'll have to nicely ask the nursery leaders to spell her name right.  ha ha.

Happy 18 months Miss Blakeley Jewel!  You truly are a jewel.


  1. haha. I got a picture back from nursery saying Malachia.... so we called him kia all day. So amazing how fast time goes by! Black-ley is so adorable. I can't say it enough.

  2. Those dimples are "to-die-for" cute!!! Time really does fly by with these little ones :) Although I can't wait for Grayson to be 18 in June...the church halls are just a race track for him!
