Friday, November 25, 2011

A Shield of Protection

Recently, at the beginning of a session in the temple, a member of the temple presidency, President Obanion shared a message and said that when we serve in the temple, it acts as a shield of protection for not only us but for the people we love the most.

I also have felt the adversary's pull quite a bit recently but I've been reading my scriptures everyday and I've learned that I can cast him out of my midst.  My friend even recognized and told me that she could tell that I am being "protected," as she stated.
Well here is a visual for that. Wow!  When I saw this painting online just now, I lost my breath because of what I have recently experienced. 

The description of the painting:

This inspiring view of a young man surrounded by angels as he ponders the Scriptures portrays the protection we receive in the Gospel plan.

Coincidence that I just so happened to browse a church art website and see this? I think NOT!


  1. so where did you get this image of the angels?

  2. Hi there. I found your blog while doing a search for this painting. It's hard to find because I know neither the title nor the artist. I'm wondering... Do you remember where you saw it? I absolutely love it and am interested in seeing if I can get a print of it for our home (if they are even available). Thanks so much!

    1. It's called "Ministry of Angels, Promise of the Scriptures" by Kerri Guthrie. Here's the link to a site you can order it off of if you're still interested

  3. do you have a higher resolution of the pic above showing a young man reading surrounded by angels?
