Tuesday, February 15, 2011

A Brown Surprise

I heard  Blakeley take off her diaper and this is what I found.  Ha ha.  Parenting definitely gives you a sense of humor.  At least it wasn't a lot of soft poo because she then proceeded to climb on the couch with her bare butt.  Thank goodness for anitbacterial wipes & carpet cleaner!

Kids are hilarious.


  1. ooh poop is so gross! have you had to clean it out of a tub yet? My least favorite thing in this WORLD! (=

  2. Ha ha ha. B has only pooped in the bathtub twice and I freaked out & Daddy came in & cleaned it out. I think we used a cup to get it out. The first time was on B's 1st birthday and then another time shortly thereafter. ha ha ha. poop.
