Friday, April 17, 2009

The belly is growing...recent belly pics!

The belly is growing! This is at 26 weeks...

I had a Dr. appt yesterday & the Dr. said everything is going perfectly. Woo hoo!

Overall, I've been feeling great & Blakeley is quite the little gymnast. She moves around so much & you can see her move from the outside. It's pretty amusing & exciting. I love it!


  1. So I saw the first pics and thought wow Kendra...but then I scrolled down to your easter photos and you totally can't even tell there is a belly there! Can I just say for the record I hate you! LOL! My Belly is already like twice the size of yours!

  2. WOW!!! How cuuuute!! hehe :) Time is flying so fast! Can't wait to see you next week!!

  3. Just had to say that you are BEAUTIFUL and even more when your baby girl is sitting in your belly =) I cant wait 'till we can have a baby shower for you!!! I kinda hope she comes out a few days early. like July 17. thats when i was born! that would be sweet.

  4. Time flies! It probably seems like forever to you, though lol......Can't wait to see her when she's here! Keeps the updates and belly pics comin'!

  5. Adorable pregnant belly. You are the perfect looking pregnant woman Kendra! It was so good to see you guys! Wish we could have hung out more!

  6. You look soo cute I can't wait to start showing more!! We are having a girl as well!! We are so stoked!

  7. I saw the post above by the other Alexia and was so confused! haha. I want to see more pictures!! My tummy is SO HUGE I feel like I look 7 months pregnant instead of 5 1/2. I hope you are feeling well :)
