I had a really humbling experience early last week and it was really hard but worthwhile. I learned a valuable lesson and needed forgiveness from someone. It really opened my eyes to how my actions affect other people. Needless to say, it was a rough couple days and out of a bad situation, great things actually happened. It's like that negative thing turned into a positive and I had promptings that I probably would not have had if that incident had not occurred. I could thoroughly see the hand of the Lord in it and it was really a testimony building experience.
From that experience, I felt prompted to send a few people certain messages and later I found out that they needed to hear those things and on the flipside, I had angels taking care of me as well. Not only did one friend check on me and bring me chocolates, another person dropped off the cutest box of homemade fortune cookies (made of scrapbook paper folded up like fortune cookies with Hershey kisses in the box as well) and another unknown angel doorbell ditched this cute little rose plant to me:
Coincidence? I think NOT. I know these people were inspired. I needed their sweet gifts badly to let me know that I was being thought of and that I am loved. Just a reminder that Heavenly Father loves us, wants us to be happy, and is watching over us with tender care. I'm grateful for earthly angels who act on promptings that they receive.
It's experiences like this one that help me learn and grow. I'm grateful for the people around me who love me, flaws and all. I'm grateful to my friend for her forgiveness. I truly feel like my eyes were opened and I awoke from whatever melancholy state of mind that I had been in. I feel more positive, I feel humbled, I feel a new sense of purpose, I feel ready to serve others around me even more. I want to be a better person. Perhaps the greatest lesson is that we need to all forgive each other...we all have flaws and we need to not be so critical of others because we don't know what they're going through. I'm so grateful for the gospel that teaches us forgiveness and for prayer that gives us the comfort we need so badly in those dark moments.
I feel blessed.
You are a wonderful person and I'm glad to be your friend. This life is all about learning and growing for ALL of us.