We had a 3D/4D ultrasound today to see little Skylar and it was awesome! Gotta love technology! Tyson and the technician thought she looked like Blakeley. What do you think?
Look at those little lips! I can't wait to kiss them.
Check out the umbilical cord on this one! (Going from near her arm across her neck/chest.) Crazy!
Tired girl yawning...
Look at her bony little arm & elbow!
Cute little profile shot
She does look a lot like Blakeley did in her 3D ultrasound pictures. Looks like the same facial features. I can't wait to see her!
I'm 26 weeks today...
Awe Kendra!! This is so awesome. Can you believe that she is in your belly! I think pregnancy is the most amazing thing. She looks so cute. And she has pouffy lips. lol. I can't wait to meet her!