Blakeley Jewel Haas
7.18.09 2:58pm 7 lbs 4 oz 19.5 in
Wonder \ 'wun-der\ 1-2 n. 3 vb. 4 adj. 1. amazed admiration or awe, especially at something very beautiful or new 2. a miracle or other cause of intense admiration or awe 3. to be in a state of amazed admiration or awe 4. exciting admiration or amazement by virtue of being outstandingly good, effective, or unusual
On the night you were born, every star, in every sky,
Shone down in jealousy, at the twinkle in your eye.
~Craig Castle
What a ray of sunshine you are...I couldn't have asked for a better baby.
I truly wouldn't change anything about you
You have always been such a doll.
I feel like I blinked and now you are one...
I can't believe how fast it's gone.
The day you were born was the best day of our lives.
The day you were born was the best day of our lives.
My greatest desire for you at this point in your life is for you to have a happy childhood.
One where you can be carefree and just be a kid.
Play with dolls, make friends, play tag and hide and seek
Go swimming, feed ducks, ride carousels
Blow dandelions until the seeds all fall off,
Search for four leaf clovers
Jump in leaf piles
Make necklaces out of flowers...
you know the ones...the white flowers that you find in grass
Play hop scotch and jump rope
Monkey bars and dodgeball
Fishing and horseback riding
Eat ice cream cones and cotton candy
Get pulled around in wagons
Learn to ride a bike
Go rollerskating, dance
Gymnastics, Fingerpaint
Ferris wheels and face paint
Popcorn and movies
Blow bubbles and capture bugs
Story time and puppets
Unicorns and make believe
Bubble gum and lollipops
This is my greatest desire for you.
Be a child, have fun.
The rest can wait.
Mommy & Daddy love you, little Sunshine.
HAPPy birthday sweet Blakeley!!!! Hope you had a wonderful day!! It really does go by WAY to fast!!