Daddy's Little Princess
First, an update on Blakeley sleeping in her own room last night in her own crib for the first time...she did great! She slept like a champ. I went in at about midnight and took a picture of her and she woke up so I fed her and then she went right back to sleep. She then slept until about 8:15am. I, on the other hand had a crappy night's sleep because I was on edge and any little static noise I heard from the monitor woke me up for the first hour that I was laying down. I exchanged the sound monitor for a video monitor and I absolutely LOVE it! Best purchase, hands down, in a long time! If I had it last night, I probably would have slept better. I'm sure it will get easier for me from here on out.
Here is Blakeley's room!
Pom pom fun
Mr. Giraffe
Peaceful corner
Owlivia (Thanks Shannon! We LOVE this!)
We use this often
"Love at first sight" sonogram picture
I love this picture
Light fixture
A room fit for a Princess...Princess Blakeley, that is.
P.S. Happy 11 months Blakeley! My baby is growing up...
P.S. Happy 11 months Blakeley! My baby is growing up...
I LOVE this room. Too stinkin cute!