July 10, 1924 - May 23, 2007
My Grandma Julie has been on my mind a lot lately. Probably because of Mother's Day a couple weeks ago. She is my Dad's Mom and she passed away three years ago today. She is the only Grandparent of mine that I actually spent time with as a child and now that I'm an adult, I have a greater appreciation for the time we spent together. A little crotchety at times, but as sweet as the hundreds of roses she nurtured in her backyard.
Here are my favorite memories of Grandma:
Klondike bars and Honey Nut Cheerios
Eggo waffles and homemade persimmon cookies
Birthday cards with $10 bills
Wizard of Oz more times than I can count
He-Man, She-rah, and Care Bears…oh my
Pot Roast with lots of pepper…yum
I can still hear her say, “Don’t be closed minded…”
Watercolor paintings- she even won first prize
I still have the pastels she gave me
’76 (?) Mustang that she drove really slow when she turned
Sizzler, JJ North’s, Little Caesars pizza! pizza!
“I’m going to Grandma’s” little red suitcase
Home grown strawberries
Crab grass that I’d help her pull
Mastermind and tops that spin
Roses, roses, and more roses
I'm thinking of you, Grandma.
I miss you.
What a sweet post! I was thinking a lot of my grandma today too. I went through some of my parents things because they moved and they had a bunch of my grandparents stuff. What great memories.