Monday, May 31, 2010

Thinking of Nathan

                Nathan in Afghanistan, 2009 (far right)

Today is Memorial Day and it has special meaning to me because my brother, Nathan is in Kuwait on his second deployment.  Until my brother was deployed, war was just a distant idea, not really affecting me very much since I felt no real impact from it. Sure, I would see news reports about the war on TV and sometimes hear about this soldier passing away or this other soldier being badly injured and for a second, I would realize that this war was real.  But I didn't truly stop and really think about it or FEEL anything about it, because again, it didn't affect ME. 

When my brother was first deployed a few years ago, I would hear the song, "Letters from Home" on the radio by John Michael Montgomery and I would cry every time I heard it because it really hit home.  It's a great song about a soldier receiving letters from home while he is away at war. Tearjerker, for sure.

With my brother away on these two tours, it has made me truly recognize the sacrifices and hardships that our soldiers endure on our behalf and I'm so grateful for the freedoms that we enjoy because of their service.  Freedom is definitely not free.

Thinking of you brother.
I love you and I'm proud of you.  
Come home safe please. 

Thursday, May 27, 2010


What's wrong with this picture?

Yup, I found it in the bag...the poor little guy was a goner.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Earth Angels


Some people come into our lives at just the right time
They lift us up and make our burdens feel light
They awaken us from the fog and enable us to see rays of sunshine peeking through the clouds
Earth Angels

These special people do not come into our lives by accident
Their presence reassures us that Heavenly Father is watching over us with tender care 
That He loves us 
And that He has a plan for us

Each one of us has a purpose
There are people in this life that we are meant to influence and help in a way that no one else can
What an inspiring thing that is-- that we are each unique and CHOSEN to do special work
There are no coincidences

Each one of us has strengths and weaknesses
Some days I feel like my weaknesses far outweigh my strengths
How grateful I am for those people in my life that love me for me--
Flaws and all

Some people come into our lives at just the right time
They lift us up and make our burdens feel light
They awaken us from the fog and enable us to see rays of sunshine peeking through the clouds
Earth Angels

Tuesday, May 25, 2010


Blakeley's newest thing is playing peek-a-boo, but it's extra cute because she's the one who hides her face and then she uncovers her face, and I say, "Peek-a-boo!" and she cracks up.  And then we keep repeating it. Blakeley is quite the character!

 And again...

Monday, May 24, 2010


One of our favorite places so far in Texas is Fredericksburg, which is a little historic German town about an hour and a half away.  The main street has an old time feel and is lined with interesting shops, boutiques, and restaurants.  I especially like that there are potted plants and flowers that line the shop entrances along the entire street on both sides.

It's kind of a touristy town so you see all kinds of people there.  There's also a National Museum of the Pacific War which includes a zen garden (which we have yet to see) and a park that has monuments honoring the pioneers that settled there.  An interesting fact is that in 1847, the German settlers made a peace treaty with the Native Americans there and it is one of the few treaties that has never been broken.

We have been to Fredericksburg three times now and two of those times were in the last four days. Last Thursday, Tyson actually had a partial day off (hallelujah!) so we got a wild hair and decided to go to Fredericksburg for lunch!  We jumped in the car and drove an hour and a half to grab a bite at one of our favorite places!  Although there are a lot of German restaurants, the first time we went to Fredericksburg which was a few months ago, we discovered the most amazing pizza joint and I have to say, it's the best pizza I've ever had.

Check out their motto:  "Friends don't let friends eat corporate pizza"    HA! 

So we made the trek and it was quite enjoyable.  The only hard part was pulling ourselves away to start the drive home since Tyson had to go to a work dinner that night.  I think we were only there for about 45 minutes.  We ate our pizza while sitting at a table along the street in the outdoor patio and it was so nice and relaxing.  I wished we had more time to explore the shops but alas!  We had to get back.

Yesterday we made the trek again!  We were bored and we like going for Sunday drives so we ventured out again and this time, it was just a nice, relaxing drive and we were just going to take a late afternoon walk around the town.  When we got there, we found out that there was a free jazz concert in the park.  A Dixieland jazz band was playing which is my Dad's favorite.  He would have loved it & we thought about him the whole time.

I grew up hearing my Dad play his Dixieland jazz music and he would even sometimes play along on his trumpet. The free concert made for a great Sunday evening together and the funnest part was dancing around with Blakeley as she grinned from ear to ear.

 If any of you nice folks ever come visit us, we will definitely have to take you to Fredericksburg!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Memories of Grandma Julie

Juliana Lucille Michael
July 10, 1924 - May 23, 2007

My Grandma Julie has been on my mind a lot lately. Probably because of Mother's Day a couple weeks ago. She is my Dad's Mom and she passed away three years ago today. She is the only Grandparent of mine that I actually spent time with as a child and now that I'm an adult, I have a greater appreciation for the time we spent together. A little crotchety at times, but as sweet as the hundreds of roses she nurtured in her backyard.

Here are my favorite memories of Grandma:

Klondike bars and Honey Nut Cheerios
Eggo waffles and homemade persimmon cookies
Birthday cards with $10 bills
Wizard of Oz more times than I can count
He-Man, She-rah, and Care Bears…oh my
Pot Roast with lots of pepper…yum
I can still hear her say, “Don’t be closed minded…”
Watercolor paintings- she even won first prize
I still have the pastels she gave me
’76 (?) Mustang that she drove really slow when she turned
Sizzler, JJ North’s, Little Caesars pizza! pizza!
“I’m going to Grandma’s” little red suitcase
Home grown strawberries
Crab grass that I’d help her pull
Mastermind and tops that spin
Roses, roses, and more roses
I'm thinking of you, Grandma.
I miss you.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Pioneers. Heroes.

Air conditioning. Running water. Plumbing. Refrigerators. Washing machines. Airplanes. Hair dryers. Light. Batteries to put in your Tickle Me Elmo. Cars. Modern medicine. Heaters. Temples. Scriptures. Cameras to capture our precious memories forever. Luxuries.

All made possible by those who came before us. I am truly grateful for the pioneers who sacrificed and endured so much. Think of their lives vs. the lives we live today. It’s time to stop complaining.

Pioneers are my heroes.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Sibling Love


Nathan, me, Chris, & Tammy - March 2008

I love my siblings. We have all been through a lot and I'm proud of the people we have become.

"Challenges are what make life interesting; overcoming them is what makes life meaningful."
-Joshua J. Marine

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Wifely Duties


Every morning before Tyson goes to work, I get up and make him eggs for breakfast & pack his lunch.  Watch out world, I'm becoming domesticated! 

I then go right back to sleep.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Meet Filbert

Meet Filbert, the pesky dreadlock. 

 I send Filbert home multiple times a day but he just keeps coming back. 

 Blakeley doesn't mind.



"There came a time when the risk to remain tight in the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom."

I love this quote.  There are numerous ways to interpret it, but one thing it describes to me is when you remain in a situation just because it's "comfortable" even though you know it's not the right thing for you.  It takes courage to go out of your comfort zone and to take action to make a change.  When you finally do, the metamorphosis that you undergo is liberating and blissful.  You grow and stretch and it's painful but it's worth it.  It requires you to let go. 

Not everyone has experienced this, but I have, and the process for me was life changing and it allowed me to discover myself.  When I think about where I was headed compared to where I am now, it amazes me.  I'm so grateful for the opportunities that we are given in this life.  I'm grateful for the Spirit who reminds us who we really are...children of our Heavenly Father.



P.S.  Happy 10 month birthday baby girl!  Mommy & Daddy wub you tow much!

Monday, May 17, 2010


"When you're cool, the sun shines on you 24 hours a day..."

Sunday, May 16, 2010


When we are struggling and things are going badly, let us count our blessings and concentrate on the good in our lives. Ask yourself what lesson you are supposed to learn from whatever it is you're going through.

Here are two of my favorite blessings:

Friday, May 14, 2010

Congratulations Rob & Rachael!

Welcome little prince.

Robert Christian Munson
Born 5.14.10
6 lbs 13 oz
20 inches long

Congratulations to Rob & Rachael as they welcome their first child, a precious miracle baby.

Rob & Rachael are our new chums here in San Antonio. They packed their bags and moved here a few months ago from Springville, UT and they even know Ty's cousins who live there (the Markgrafs). Isn't it such a small world? They are wonderful souls. We have been able to serve each other and reap the benefits of a special bond because of it. They live a hop, skip, and a jump from us and as Tyson would say, "It's FAMAZING."

Rachael is a Recreational Therapist (coolest job ever!) and works with mentally disabled kids and guess what she gets to do with them? Go have fun! She takes them bowling, swimming, to the movies, and awesome stuff like that. Doesn't she sound amazing? She is! She is a sweet, compassionate, and understanding spirit.

Rob starts culinary school in September and I'm excited to be such good friends with him so that I can get my grub on. You all know how I love to eat. You know I'm first in line at the food table at any and all foodly functions. Yeah, that's right! I have no shame. My favorite thing about Rob is how much he loves Blakeley...and that I can talk about girl matters in front of him. He is going to be such a fantastic Daddy!

Congratulations Rob & Rachael!

Cheers to new life, health, and happiness.

Blakeley's wish: For all of us to realize the miracles that surround us everyday. Take time to admire the vast blue sky. Sparkling stars. Lovely flowers. A baby's smile. This life is a gift.

P.S. Blakeley bumped her head today on a wall for the first time. Poor baby. I'm sure it's the first of many. I then did this:

P.P.S. I'm kind of getting baby hungry. uh oh.

XOXO. Love you guys.

Mrs. Stephanie Nielson

I suggest you watch this short video of an amazing woman/man/family/life:

Now I suggest you read her blog about this amazing woman/man/family/life:

And I mean read all of her archives...ALL OF IT.

What an inspiring woman. wife. mother. crafty lady. gourmet cook. sensible. innovative. heroic. strong.

I am smitten by her. I want to be like her. I envy her life in that I see how happy she and her family are. I want to be THAT kind of happy. (You have to read her blog to understand what I'm talking about.)

She has truly inspired me to be a better person. a better wife. a better mother. a better daughter. a better sister. a better friend. And to put my creative talents to use. Oh, and to actually cook. And to write. I love to write & always have but haven’t really done anything with it. I want to write about all the people who have ever been in my life that have helped shape me in some way. I will do that and I will start soon. She has inspired me to start posting in this blog daily. I think it will be therapeutic and good for me. And good for you.


I want to be a better person for this little unicorn:

tHaNk YoU, sTePhAnIe.

Thursday, May 13, 2010